12 May 2009

Chronic Pain and Happiness

I don't read the paper often, but I try to make time for the Boston Globe on Sundays. If you do, too, you may have seen this.

Firstly, I find the study of happiness to be fascinating, especially because many decades have been spent peering at the specifics of unhappiness and maladaptive behaviors.

Secondly, I'm intrigued by what such findings might mean for bodywork and bodywork research in light of their correlations between chronic pain and unhappiness. Would chronic pain sufferers find greater happiness if their complaints were addressed with consistent and regular bodywork?

1 comment:

  1. Regular bodywork makes a huge difference for me. I've had chronic pelvic pain for years. I get massage and shiatsu weekly (that's 1-2 appts every week) only slowing down if funds are tight, but I never go more than 2 weeks without a session. It's improved my quality of life dramatically!
